At the height of the dotcom gold rush, Hothouse Interactive was one of the first digital only agencies in Australia. They produced and hosted many leading websites including Hutchison Telecom, Telstra BigPond, ETrade, and an early version of the Microsoft Network (MSN) website. For the Australian Business Online site, Hothouse Interactive briefed Franklin on building a series of user interface icons and banners based on an approved initial concept. Stephen produced up to twenty-two icons, each having to be visually recognisable in a large, medium, small, and tiny format. The result was over eighty individual designs, which gave the Hothouse Interactive developer’s more than enough variation for multiple user experiences.

Design Direction: Hothouse Interactive
UX/UI Design: Stephen Franklin   
ABOL website navigation icons inset on blue corporate colour background.
Samples of icons were supplied to Franklin from which he developed new designs, extending the navigation UI.
List of all ABOL icons showing their file name designation and size range.
Along with the primary large size icon Stephen had to develop each at a medium, small, and tiny size.
Mock-up of the ABOL Home Page.
The final icons were exported as low file size GIFs to meet the internet bandwidth constraints of the day.

View more projects

FOOD Club Night 1st Birthday Poster and Flyer
Street poster and flyer for FOOD club night 1st Birthday celebrations, Dublin, Ireland.
Resource Connections Logo
Logo design for Resource Connections, an independent Australian energy consultant.
Kin Khao Brand Identity
Identity design for Kin Khao Thai restaurant, Athlone, Ireland. The design was executed across interiors, signage, menus, newspaper ads and other marketing materials.
Microsoft Windows Server NT Image
Cover illustration created for a Microsoft Windows Server NT sales brochure for the Frontline agency, Sydney. 
Grandiosa Lørdagspizza Packaging Retouching
Retouching of the front of pack hero image for the Norwegian frozen pizza brand Grandiosa.
Merrilake Promotional Calendar Illustration
Stephen's contribution to the Merrilake agency’s promotional calendar. He was requested to respond to the brief "Merrilake Illustrators are not just bums on seats!" in the style of his favourite artist. Salvador Dali's "Sleep" was Franklin's inspiration.
Testra PSO Document
41 Page proposal document for Credit Suisse First Boston to act as global coordinator for the Telstra PSO (Public Share Offer). Designed the layout including all graphs and charts. Entire document was designed and completed at short notice over 3 days to meet a tight Government deadline.
Kellogg's Froot Loops Back of Pack Illustration
A promotional back-of-pack illustration created for Kellogg's Froot Loops cereal packaging. Included the digital creation and preparation of the finished image for use in the packaging artwork.
Sqeez Juice Tetra Pak Packaging Finished Artwork
Finished artwork for the Sqeez range of juices in Tetra Pak packaging.
Queensland Energy Revolution Report
A seventy-page report on Queensland energy. Franklin designed the complete report including all graphs, charts, and illustrations. The target format was a short run digitally printed document.
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