Wyeth’s bio-technology plant in Ireland with its large complement of employees was located at Grange Castle, County Kildare, Ireland. To bring awareness to, and increase the health and wellbeing of their staff, they developed a weeklong Work/Life harmony program. Brightspark Consulting was brought in to help develop the content for the project. The brief was to produce a range of material with a friendly welcoming feel. Stephen created a clean look for the design that stayed within the established Wyeth brand guidelines. He used a bright colour coding system for the various sections of the program and developed a unique printed piece specifically for the Wellbeing component that dealt with metal health. The outcome was a simple and easy to navigate range of content that was easily digestible by the busy staff at the Grange Castle facility.

Content Development: Brightspark Consulting
Creative Direction: Stephen Franklin
Graphic Design: Stephen Franklin
Work Life Harmony brochure.
Cover of the event brochure showing the colour system developed for the event.
The full layout for the centre of the DL pamphlet.
The full layout for the centre of the DL pamphlet.
Double-sided program guide for the event.
Double-sided program guide for the event.
The full layout for the centre of the DL pamphlet and double-sided program guide for the event.
Family Options brochure.
Brochure for the Family Options program, helping staff seeking childcare.
Wellbeing roll-fold messaging piece.
A specially designed print piece tackling wellbeing and the difficult conversation of depression and mental illness.
This unique design takes the reader through the process of seeking help through the wellbeing program. As the piece unfolds the images become warmer, brightening towards the final panel housing a card with contact details. 
Work Life Harmony website homepage.
As part of the weeklong event an internal website was created for more information on the event schedule and the various sections of the program.
Health and Wellbeing landing page.
Health and Wellbeing landing page.
Healthy eating landing page.
Healthy eating landing page.
The design of the website’s UX/UI mirrored the supporting print materials for the event.
Family Matters landing page.
Family Matters landing page.
Time and Money Savers landing page.
Time and Money Savers landing page.

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