With knowledge that multiple SKUs of this and related products were coming down the pipeline from the design team, Stephen had to develop a technique for combining spot colours with overlying graduations to produce smooth shading effects. He had to do this without the time-consuming process of using spot channels in Photoshop. To achieve this transparency was used within Illustrator to blend both visual effects and product shots with underlying background elements. This workflow allowed for greater control of the layout within Adobe Illustrator and facilitated faster development of other variants in this and future product ranges.

Creative Direction: Mesh Design
Creative Artworking: Stephen Franklin
a.	Green Isle Creamy Potato Bake 450 g packaging.
Finished flexographic print for the Green Isle Creamy Potato Bake packaging.
Green Isle Creamy Potato Bake finished artwork.
The front of pack hero image was retouched and left with its transparency intact. This allowed easy repositioning within Illustrator. 
Hero image of serving suggestion.
Hero image of serving suggestion.
Banner artwork layers in Adobe Illustrator.
Banner artwork layers in Adobe Illustrator.
Images were placed as layered Photoshop files with transparency. Banner artwork showing the original elements above and the final styled objects below. 
Separated finished artwork elements.
Building all the elements as separate objects within Illustrator allowed for rapid creation of varying SKU sizes and reduced elements such as the background down to one common object shared by multiple packs.

View more projects

ABOL User Interface Icons
Created user interface icons for various use cases for the Australian Business Online (ABOL) website, commissioned by Hothouse Interactive, Sydney, Australia.
Microsoft Windows Server NT Image
Cover illustration created for a Microsoft Windows Server NT sales brochure for the Frontline agency, Sydney. 
Concept Visualisations for Landini Associates
Concept visualisations created for Landini Associates client projects. Each image was based on supplied architectural elevations, along with a creative brief for the materials to be used for the interior design.
Queensland Energy Revolution Report
A seventy-page report on Queensland energy. Franklin designed the complete report including all graphs, charts, and illustrations. The target format was a short run digitally printed document.
BigPond Cable Packaging Image
Worked with the Art Director at the Frontline agency to produce this secondary pack image, used as part of a Telstra Big Pond Cable Modem packaging. Involved matching and applying the colour halftone screen effect of the hand image to an image of the Microsoft mouse, combining both into a seamless composition.
SoundNet Newsletter and Masthead
Editorial design and masthead design of SoundNet, the official newsletter of The Oceania Project a non-profit research organisation dedicated to raising awareness about Whales, Dolphins and Porpoises and the ocean environment.
College Portfolio
Portfolio submitted as a requirement for graduating from the KvB College of Visual communication, Sydney Australia. Stephen received a diploma in Graphic Design on the 7th of December 1987.
Kellogg's Froot Loops Back of Pack Illustration
A promotional back-of-pack illustration created for Kellogg's Froot Loops cereal packaging. Included the digital creation and preparation of the finished image for use in the packaging artwork.
AGL Brochure Illustrations
Children's alphabet blocks illustrations created for an AGL bill payment brochure.
Escape to Luz Illustration
Cover illustration for the Escape to Luz promotional brochure.
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