With an idea based around the complexity of server software infrastructure, and using chess as a metaphor for this concept, the Art Director at the Frontline agency commissioned a chessboard illustration for the brochure cover. The pieces were to be replaced with servers, towers, and desktop computers. Starting with this creative brief, Stephen created a clean isometric design in Adobe Illustrator with a vivid blue, copper, and gold palette. He later added the reflections and textures to the chessboard in Photoshop. The resulting illustration provided an unambiguous graphic that communicated the concept clearly.

Art Direction: The Frontline Agency
Illustration: Stephen Franklin
Chess board with the pieces represented as desktop workstations and servers as the King or Queen.
Final artwork for the completed chessboard illustration.

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Humpback Whales White Sash and Sacha Illustration
Digital illustration of a mother and calf Humpback Whale, White Sash and Sacha, sighted and named by The Oceania Project during their research expedition in Hervey Bay, Queensland.
Freedom Unlimited Website
Design and development of the Freedom Unlimited website, Dublin, Ireland.
Grandiosa Lørdagspizza Packaging Retouching
Retouching of the front of pack hero image for the Norwegian frozen pizza brand Grandiosa.
Merrilake Promotional Calendar Illustration
Stephen's contribution to the Merrilake agency’s promotional calendar. He was requested to respond to the brief "Merrilake Illustrators are not just bums on seats!" in the style of his favourite artist. Salvador Dali's "Sleep" was Franklin's inspiration.
Sqeez Juice Tetra Pak Packaging Finished Artwork
Finished artwork for the Sqeez range of juices in Tetra Pak packaging.
Green Isle Stir-Fry Packaging Artwork
Creative artworking on the Green Isle Stir-Fry flexographic packaging finished artwork.
Kin Khao Brand Identity
Identity design for Kin Khao Thai restaurant, Athlone, Ireland. The design was executed across interiors, signage, menus, newspaper ads and other marketing materials.
BigPond Cable Launch Hero Image
Worked with the Art Director at Frontline to produce a hero image, the centrepiece of the Telstra Big Pond launch campaign. Blended two stock photography images using various distortion effects to create the blurred image on the outside and manipulated colour values to maintain an overall consistency.
SoundNet Newsletter and Masthead
Editorial design and masthead design of SoundNet, the official newsletter of The Oceania Project a non-profit research organisation dedicated to raising awareness about Whales, Dolphins and Porpoises and the ocean environment.
Campaign Mascot Character Illustration
Creative direction and digital illustration of a mascot character for a below-the-line marketing campaign.
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