With an idea based around the complexity of server software infrastructure, and using chess as a metaphor for this concept, the Art Director at the Frontline agency commissioned a chessboard illustration for the brochure cover. The pieces were to be replaced with servers, towers, and desktop computers. Starting with this creative brief, Stephen created a clean isometric design in Adobe Illustrator with a vivid blue, copper, and gold palette. He later added the reflections and textures to the chessboard in Photoshop. The resulting illustration provided an unambiguous graphic that communicated the concept clearly.

Art Direction: The Frontline Agency
Illustration: Stephen Franklin
Chess board with the pieces represented as desktop workstations and servers as the King or Queen.
Final artwork for the completed chessboard illustration.

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Fuji Xerox Campaign Hero Illustration
Illustration of the Xerox 0% Finance campaign hero image for the Diesel agency. Included the preparation of finished artwork files for both print and digital.
Escape to Luz Illustration
Cover illustration for the Escape to Luz promotional brochure.
Donegal Catch Packaging Artwork
While working as the Creative Artworker at Mesh Design, Stephen was tasked with building the finished artwork for the Donegal Catch range from Green Isle foods.
Unilever Flora Packaging Artwork
Development of master illustrations, photography, and master elements for the Unilever Flora Heart design packaging artwork.
Humpback Whales White Sash and Sacha Illustration
Digital illustration of a mother and calf Humpback Whale, White Sash and Sacha, sighted and named by The Oceania Project during their research expedition in Hervey Bay, Queensland.
Coco Pops Back of Pack Illustration
A promotional back of pack illustration for Kellogg's Coco Pops cereal packaging.
Eventuality Website
Design and development of the Eventuality website, Dublin, Ireland.
Integrated Vision Marketing Collateral
Creative direction and design of various marketing collateral for Integrated Vision, a leading Australian videoconferencing solutions provider. Stephen, operating as Graphic Vision, partnered with the client to produce a range of items including, a Quarterly Newsletter, DL Brochure, and DL Promotions, managing all designs from concept through to prepress and final print.
Mars EVA Mech Suit
Mars EVA (Extravehicular Activity) exoskeleton mech suit - a personal design project to help discover the basics of 3D modelling and texturing.
Resource Connections Logo
Logo design for Resource Connections, an independent Australian energy consultant.
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