Australasian Energy and Resource Connections commissioned Graphic Vision, Franklin's Sydney based design consultancy, to produce a joint report on the coming gas driven energy revolution that started in Queensland in the mid 90's. They required a short run digitally printed 70-page publication with full colour cover. Digital printing was in its infancy in 1997, so the internal layout of the document would be a single sided black and white affair, reserving colour for the cover only. Franklin saw this publication through from creative brief, design, and layout, through to the finished artwork delivered to the digital print specifications. The finished product was a high-quality publication with a clear design hierarchy, professionally typeset with a consistent format throughout.
Creative Direction: Stephen Franklin
Graphic Design: Stephen Franklin
Copywriting: Australasian Energy and Resource Connections

The full colour cover was printed digitally on a heavier paper stock and later perfect bound to the internal pages.

Due to print limitations of the time the internal pages were single side black and white with halftone images.

Franklin developed an icon system for the publication’s maps as seen here in their legends.

Careful attention was given to the hyphenation and justification of the typesetting throughout the entire publication.