Landini Associates is a brand management company that combines both the brand design and interior design disciplines for its clientele. As a multidisciplinary studio they need to be able to effectively communicate the feel of a project early in the design process. This helps their clients visualise a proposed direction. As a freelance visualiser, Stephen was employed by Landini to help create these concept images. Starting with line work of the supplied CAD elevations, Franklin initially built up the textures and lighting, then added mock-ups of branded elements such as packaging, signage, and stock imagery of people to populate the rendered scene. Final prints were produced at a generous size and mounted on foamboard for client presentations. The result was compelling large format images that conveyed the design choices to the client and initiated valuable conversations with the project’s primary stakeholders.

Creative Direction: Landini Associates
Visualisation: Stephen Franklin
Visualisation of restaurant section. for a retail project
Render of a project’s kitchen area showing the textures, lighting, and proposed menu boards.
Render of store front retail project.
Additional render showing the store front section, highlighting the design development of the brand packaging.
Side elevation render of Volvo Gallery.
Visualisation of the proposed design for the Volvo Gallery, Sydney, Australia. With showroom, waiting area, boardroom, and storage facilities.
New Zealand Natural store front design.
Concept visualisation for a New Zealand Natural store showing the menu system and branded display cabinets.

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FOOD Club Night 1st Birthday Poster and Flyer
Street poster and flyer for FOOD club night 1st Birthday celebrations, Dublin, Ireland.
Unilever Flora Packaging Artwork
Development of master illustrations, photography, and master elements for the Unilever Flora Heart design packaging artwork.
Testra PSO Document
41 Page proposal document for Credit Suisse First Boston to act as global coordinator for the Telstra PSO (Public Share Offer). Designed the layout including all graphs and charts. Entire document was designed and completed at short notice over 3 days to meet a tight Government deadline.
HCi Identity Design
Corporate identity and stationery design for HCi, a Knowledge and Process Management company based in Sydney, Australia.
Angels of the Sea Video Cassette Cover
Design and layout of the Angels of the Sea video cassette cover for a documentary on the Whales of Hervey Bay.
SoundNet Newsletter and Masthead
Editorial design and masthead design of SoundNet, the official newsletter of The Oceania Project a non-profit research organisation dedicated to raising awareness about Whales, Dolphins and Porpoises and the ocean environment.
Braams Brand and Marketing Collateral
Creative direction and production of Braams Property Services design collateral, and marketing materials from 1997 through to 2001.
BigPond Cable Launch Hero Image
Worked with the Art Director at Frontline to produce a hero image, the centrepiece of the Telstra Big Pond launch campaign. Blended two stock photography images using various distortion effects to create the blurred image on the outside and manipulated colour values to maintain an overall consistency.
AGL Brochure Illustrations
Children's alphabet blocks illustrations created for an AGL bill payment brochure.
Mars EVA Mech Suit
Mars EVA (Extravehicular Activity) exoskeleton mech suit - a personal design project to help discover the basics of 3D modelling and texturing.
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