Espero Logistics Solutions provides a wide range of management services for the maritime and logistics industries. They commissioned Stephen to design an identity that would accurately reflect their core business. Franklin began by developing a pattern that symbolised the extensive use of shipping containers in the transport industry. He then simplified this pattern into a single brandmark and brought it together with the company name to create the final logo. The result was a strong and clear identity, capable of playing a big game in a logistics solutions landscape dominated by large corporations.
Creative Direction: Stephen Franklin
Graphic Design: Stephen Franklin
Printing: Landmark Printing

The main stationery pieces were printed in two specials, blue and orange. The business cards had a double hit of blue to increase the strength of this spot colour, giving it more vibrancy.

To provide more strength for the brand mark it was decided to reverse the container symbols out of a circular shape with a subtle orange gradient.

Stephen used a mid-blue and orange as the primary colour palette for the identity. The blue was a call out to the maritime nature of the logistics industry, with the orange matching the dominant colour of shipping containers.

Franklin also created a slideshow background that merged the primary blue of the identity with a skyline image, creating a deep ocean view.