Tasti D-Lite Australia wanted to present 10 Facts about their products and company as part of a brand awareness campaign, using the customer-facing screens of their Point-of-Sale machines. The brief was to present the information as animated banners, keeping the look fresh and modern, whilst staying on brand. Stephen carefully reviewed the supplied Tasti D-Lite brand guidelines, working up basic storyboards for client approval based on the accompanying brand assets. He kept the typography clean and the animations quick and punchy. The result was a set of banners that could be quickly glanced at during the point of purchase and felt entirely at home within the brand aesthetics of the Chapel Street flagship store.

Creative Direction: Stephen Franklin
Graphic Design: Stephen Franklin
Motion Graphics: Stephen Franklin 
The design of the motion graphics for the Tasti D-Lite Point-of-Sale machines needed to sit within the brand aesthetics of each retail store.
10 Tasti Facts were developed in two formats, one full screen view for an idle POS (Point-of-Sale) terminal and another secondary banner displayed during customer orders.
Stephen worked closely with hardware supplier Pos+itive Outcomes to ensure smooth playback of the final SWF files from the Tasti D-Lite POS remote server.

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World Vision The Killer Gap Report & Infographic
Editorial design and layout of the World Vision - Child Health Now publication "The Killer Gap". Also included the design and illustration of a supporting infographic that would be available for download from the World Vision website.
Tony Ferguson Recipe Book Editorial Design
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Tony Ferguson Brand Guidelines
Creative direction and design of the Tony Ferguson Brand Guidelines for the Ishimodo Brand and Design Agency. This forty-page digital document included the design, layout, and delivery of the PDF.
Oban Quality Brand Identity, Stationery & Website
Oban Quality brand identity, stationery and collateral including a refresh of the existing Oban Consulting logo. Also included is the design and development of the Oban Consulting website with an Oban Quality landing page.
World Vision 2017 Annual Report Design
Editorial design, and layout of the World Vision 2017 Health and Nutrition Annual Report for the Ishimodo Brand and Design Agency. This sixteen-page document was prepared for release in both print and digital formats.
Glycon Brand Identity Design
Design, development and creative direction for the Glycon brand identity.
World Vision 2016 Annual Report Design
Editorial design, and layout of the World Vision 2016 Health and Nutrition Annual Report for the Ishimodo Brand and Design Agency. This thirty-two-page document was prepared for release in both print and digital formats.
Carmichaels Logo
Logo design for Fresh New Media's client, Carmichaels. The project included initial creative direction and the development of the brand for print and television.
World Vision 2015 Annual Report Design
Creative direction, editorial design, and layout of the World Vision 2015 Health and Nutrition Annual Report for the Ishimodo Brand and Design Agency.
Fisher-Price Catalogue Print & Online
Fisher-Price catalogue for the Ishimodo Brand and Design Agency. Included the design and layout of this fifty-two-page publication for use in print and online.
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