After successfully executing the TAFISA brand identity refresh for the Muttromedia Agency, the client returned with a follow-up project, the design and layout of the guidebook for the Triple AC Program (Active Cities, Active Communities, Active Citizens). The target audience for the guidebook was city and community administrators, not necessarily from a sporting background. Franklin created a clean layout template with clear headers and footers and a prominent page numbering system. He provided spacious left and right margins, helpful in taking side notes or adding a page to a hole punch binder. The outcome was an easy-to-navigate document that was straightforward for a busy non-technical audience to read and digest.
Design Management: Muttromedia
Creative Direction: Stephen Franklin
Graphic Design: Stephen Franklin

For the cover design Franklin used a simple montage of the images contained within a curving graphic that mirrored the TAFISA logo shape. Each photo had a subtle tint of red, green, or blue, taken from the Triple AC logo colours.

The Guidebook encompassed a cover with twenty-page main section and three large appendices. Each was clearly labelled in the running footer with an additional contents numbering system in the left margin.

Stephen also designed the internal forms, charts, and tables, providing the same high legibility as the other elements of the layout.

As part of the project, a double-sided factsheet was required that covered the major points of the Triple AC program. Stephen used a condensed version of the guidebook cover and internal layout to present this information.