Eventuality was a Dublin based event management company that provided a complete service for their clients, covering all aspects of conference preparation. From registrations, accommodation, and social events, right through to final wrap up and financial reporting. They needed a design that reflected the contemporary nature of the company while still appealing to potential corporate clients. To answer this brief Stephen developed a clear layout structure for the website’s design, with a large visual side bar for colour coded sectional images, and a header displaying testimonials from satisfied customers. To the right in each section was an aside housing case studies and links to downloadable customer success stories. The result was an easy to navigate website with strong visual cues that sparked excitement in the imagination of prospective customers. 

Web Design: Stephen Franklin
UX/UI: Stephen Franklin
Web Development: Stephen Franklin
Conferences landing page.
Each sidebar image used a key colour to differentiate the top-level pages.
About Us landing page.
About Us landing page.
Sponsorship landing page.
Sponsorship landing page.
Stephen repeated the page title as a soft shadow at the footer of each page.
Case studies were given their own aside area to highlight customer success stories.
Product launch landing page.
Product launch landing page.
Roadshow landing page.
Roadshow landing page.
Success landing page.
Success landing page.
Additional landing pages utilising the layout grid developed by Franklin for the website’s design. Contact details were always visible in the bottom left corner as a call to action.

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BigPond Cable Packaging Image
Worked with the Art Director at the Frontline agency to produce this secondary pack image, used as part of a Telstra Big Pond Cable Modem packaging. Involved matching and applying the colour halftone screen effect of the hand image to an image of the Microsoft mouse, combining both into a seamless composition.
Resource Connections Logo
Logo design for Resource Connections, an independent Australian energy consultant.
Escape to Luz Illustration
Cover illustration for the Escape to Luz promotional brochure.
Green Isle Stir-Fry Packaging Artwork
Creative artworking on the Green Isle Stir-Fry flexographic packaging finished artwork.
Escape to Luz Brand Identity
Identity design for Escape to Luz, a Dublin based holiday company which organises personalised trips to the Costa del la Luz in the Southwest of Spain.
Thick & Thirsty Point of Sale Hero Image Retouching
Retouching of hero image for Thick & Thirsty point of sale promotion.
Wyeth BioPharma Work Life Harmony Week
Designed both print and digital components for the Wyeth Bio Pharma - Work/Life Harmony Week. This included various printed pamphlets and messaging pieces along with the UX/UI for the program’s website.
Integrated Vision Marketing Collateral
Creative direction and design of various marketing collateral for Integrated Vision, a leading Australian videoconferencing solutions provider. Stephen, operating as Graphic Vision, partnered with the client to produce a range of items including, a Quarterly Newsletter, DL Brochure, and DL Promotions, managing all designs from concept through to prepress and final print.
John Bullers Pies Packaging Artwork
Creative artworking for the John Bullers Family Pies. A new product range from Green Isle Foods.
Unilever Flora Packaging Artwork
Development of master illustrations, photography, and master elements for the Unilever Flora Heart design packaging artwork.
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