While working as Creative Artworker at the Mesh Design studio in Dublin, Ireland, Stephen produced finished artwork for the Sqeez range of juices. This involved working with the print requirements of Tetra Pak packaging, specifically the available printed dot range in halftone images. Stephen had to adjust the images and brand elements to suit. The resulting printed packs had tack sharp images and graphical elements with bright punchy colours. This was representative of the Sqeez brand and gave the range great stand off on shelf in a highly competitive market.

Creative Direction: Mesh Design
Creative Artworking: Stephen Franklin

Each pack designed by Mesh had strong flavour cues both in the imagery and background choices, which needed to be translated to the printed packaging.
Along with the halftone dot requirements, the base colour of the Tetra Pak packaging is not as bright as other substrates. Image saturation needed to be boosted to compensate.
Special attention was given to the Sqeez Blue and Yellow to ensure consistency of the brand colour across the range.

View more projects

FOOD Club Night 1st Birthday Poster and Flyer
Street poster and flyer for FOOD club night 1st Birthday celebrations, Dublin, Ireland.
AGL Brochure Illustrations
Children's alphabet blocks illustrations created for an AGL bill payment brochure.
Coco Pops Back of Pack Illustration
A promotional back of pack illustration for Kellogg's Coco Pops cereal packaging.
BigPond Cable Packaging Image
Worked with the Art Director at the Frontline agency to produce this secondary pack image, used as part of a Telstra Big Pond Cable Modem packaging. Involved matching and applying the colour halftone screen effect of the hand image to an image of the Microsoft mouse, combining both into a seamless composition.
Mars EVA Mech Suit
Mars EVA (Extravehicular Activity) exoskeleton mech suit - a personal design project to help discover the basics of 3D modelling and texturing.
TAFE NSW Snakes & Ladders TVC Illustration
Snakes and ladders illustration used as the central prop for a TAFE NSW television commercial. Final artwork was produced at a size of 3 x 3 metres and used on set. The largest snake was later animated and composited with live action to complete the ad.
Freedom Unlimited Website
Design and development of the Freedom Unlimited website, Dublin, Ireland.
College Portfolio
Portfolio submitted as a requirement for graduating from the KvB College of Visual communication, Sydney Australia. Stephen received a diploma in Graphic Design on the 7th of December 1987.
Microsoft Catalogue Cover Image
Cover image of the Microsoft Windows product catalogue produced for the Frontline agency, Sydney, Australia. This image is a composite of multiple stock photography images and a photographic shoot involving two models: one for positioning and one for face and hands.
Donegal Catch Packaging Artwork
While working as the Creative Artworker at Mesh Design, Stephen was tasked with building the finished artwork for the Donegal Catch range from Green Isle foods.
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