Tony Ferguson needed a range of point-of-sale materials to support the marketing of their weight-loss products in-store. The Ishimodo Brand and Design Agency engaged Stephen's help with producing this collateral. Franklin had previously established the look and feel of Tony Ferguson's packaging and brand assets. These brand guidelines enabled him to work efficiently, designing and producing layouts for multiple formats whilst meeting the tight turnarounds needed. The result was a consistent look and feel for the individual product promotions that were on-brand and easily recognisable in-store.
Design Direction: Ishimodo Brand and Design Agency
Creative Direction: Stephen Franklin
Graphic Design: Stephen Franklin

Stephen utilised the guidelines he established to quickly iterate on the layouts for the promotion creative, picking appropriate lifestyle images that aligned with the Tony Ferguson brand.

The brand lockup for the header of this poster was taken from the current packaging design, as was the swirl background used in the January Sale flash.

With the look established for the poster, Franklin could easily adapt the design to other collateral such as this End-shelf Header Card.

Stephen could also break out the layout elements of the larger creative to individual pieces such as these shelf wobblers.

Although the individual promotions were focused on a wide variety of marketing targets e.g., lifestyle, brand, product awareness; they all shared a unifying brand architecture.

End-shelf Header Card for the Tony Ferguson Summer Ready promotion.

End-shelf Header Card for a Tony Ferguson lifestyle promotion.

End-shelf Header Card for the Tony Ferguson Rapid Shake product promotion.

Landscape A1 poster for the Rapid Shake promotion hanging in-store.

Portrait A1 poster for the Rapid Shake promotion hanging in-store.
Franklin had produced the artwork for many of the Tony Ferguson products which allowed him to build a large library of brand assets to pull from when designing.